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It seems amazing that five years have passed since you tuned in on 23 March 2020 for that significant announcement “You must stay at home” which heralded the start of Lockdown. How has the last 5 years treated you and your business?
The lockdown provided a watershed marking a significant change in working practices. Working from home appears to be here to stay, as an option at least, for example. Thankfully technology was available to allow companies to continue to operate, and cloud systems are much more widely deployed now.
In May 2020, Sevenoaks Chamber of Commerce invited Computer Troubleshooters to present in their series of Lockdown webinars. The chosen topic: How is IT for you in the “New Normal”. It’s fascinating to look back and check out the predictions made in the depths of Lockdown 1. Here are the highlights from the webinar. Do you agree with us?
I suspect you have hardly given a second thought to your business’ IT setup in the past – as long as you could get on with your work, there were always more pressing matters demanding your attention.
Do you remember how you could casually sit and discuss work with a colleague sitting next to you, not worrying about social distancing?
In the New Normal, you can’t do anything without technology – even getting together with Sevenoaks Chamber involves being able to log into a Zoom meeting!
As we are hopefully starting to see light at the end of the tunnel of lockdown, this seems a good time to take a look back and see what the impact of Coronavirus on our businesses has taught us, focusing on the IT viewpoint of course!
As your local IT advisers and virtual IT department to several businesses in West Kent, Computer Troubleshooters is well-placed to see the impact of the lockdown on computer usage.
Was your business ready for lockdown?
Were you one of those organised companies with all your policies in place performing an orderly evacuation? – Women and Children First – applying the Birkenhead Drill as you manned the lifeboats
We certainly have customers who had paperwork to be completed prior to onsite visits before lockdown came, and one of our vendors had transitioned to working from home early in March.
Or was your office abandoned in haste, looking rather like the Marie Celeste? Half-finished cups of coffee, paperwork scattered around.
Some of the companies we look after did make a few return visits to collect up paperwork and check for post and deliveries.
You may have had to start dealing with staff being absent from the office prior to this, as schools closed on 18th March and families vulnerable to Covid-19 imposed self-isolation even earlier.
The importance of IT
When lockdown came, your computers were probably the least of your worries but technology has turned out to be essential to your whole life – not just work.
Where would we be without online ordering (of both essential and non-essential items), home schooling, binge viewing and friends and family get-togethers at wine o’clock every Friday.
Thinking back, what was the first IT issue for you?
In all likelihood, it was the consideration – can your team actually work from home? (assuming they have office-based jobs, of course). We experienced all of the following at various client sites and it was a hectic period of adjusting to the new normal:
Getting on with work
Great, so you have your staff set up in “home offices”. Can they actually get at the data, the information, they need to do their jobs?
How did Computer Troubleshooters clients fare?
– our monitoring system automatically gave users remote access
Communication is the next big challenge that faced us.
When you work together in an office, you know that Maureen will have the answer at her fingertips, so you can just lean over and ask her a quick question – not quite so easy when everyone is working remotely
The importance of Communication
Communication is particularly important at the moment, especially since people won’t be seeing you every day
Process improvements
This could have proven to be the opportunity to make changes to make your life easier:
The downside of technology
Technology can cause your business issues too, of course.
Cyber security
Unfortunately cyber security is a massive issue too.
The lessons of lockdown
How was lockdown for your business?
Have there been positive outcomes for your business?
Will you continue with some of your “new normal” practices, or were you champing at the bit to get the team back into the office?
Just give us a call on 01732 300064 if you’d like to have a chat about the last 5 years and what you would like to change on the technology front.
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